Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Truth

Well, I am going to try my hand at the whole blogging thing again. I'm not sure how consistent I will be, or if anyone will even read it, but I need a place where I can write about the things that are on my heart.

I have been on a journey over the past few years to really start living my life with intention. For me, this meant that I needed to start being proactive instead of reactive. I needed to start budgeting my time and my money better instead of spending them flippantly and figuring it out later. It meant that I needed to start making conscious, educated, and thoughtful choices concerning my family's health and stop just floating along and letting others make them for me. It meant realizing that I needed to make learning a never-ending pursuit in my life. I needed to break out of the apathetic, ignorant rut I was stuck in and start really THINKING, QUESTIONING, and DECIDING things for myself. It meant pulling my head out of the sand and taking the responsibility I have as a Christian, a wife, mother, and even as a citizen of the United States of America, seriously.  No more taking things at face value and blindly trusting the motivation and intention of others. This meant seeking out the truth and being willing to really see it, even if it was ugly. No more settling for immaturity. No more settling, period. I knew that somewhere along the way I had lost my drive to DO better and to BE better, and that had to change.

So here I am, several years down the road. I have made many changes in my life and learned a WHOLE lot of things about myself and the world I'm living in, some good, and some not so good. I most certainly still have my struggles and there are many, many things that I am still working on, but I am still learning and don't plan on ever stopping.

Deciding to live with my eyes wide open has been empowering and yet scary. It feels so good to have the information I need to make good choices, but I struggle daily with maintaining balance in my life. I wrestle with questions like "How do I continue to see the good in things without allowing myself to be blind to the bad?" I am a natural born optimist. I love seeing the good in everyone and everything. I would gladly ignore and excuse every fault and flaw so I could believe that everything in life is peachy and pretty, but that is so far removed from reality. I will admit, it is difficult to see the world for the way it is and remain an optimist. It is so easy to get caught up in all the negativity and forget that God is in control. I think that's why many people avoid "the truth". No one wants to see the "ugly", even if its staring them in the face. I totally get it. We aren't called to live depressed, pessimistic, lives. No one wants to live that way or be around people who do,  but we also are not supposed to live in IGNORANCE!!!

The fact is, our world is filled with "ugly" and pretending like it is not there will not make it go away. We need to acknowledge it, face it, and defeat it with knowledge and TRUTH. The TRUTH, after all, will set us free. So that is my mission. I am on a mission for the truth. I want to learn the truth, know the truth, believe the truth, and share the truth. That is what I hope to accomplish here.

We can all be soldiers of the truth. We live in a world saturated in apathy, distraction, dissatisfaction, and deceit. It doesn't have to be that way. It's not SUPPOSED to be that way. God has called us to so much more. People are aching to live a life filled with purpose, joy, peace, and satisfaction. They are tired of being fed lies and know that there has to be something more.

Somewhere deep down, we all are drawn to the truth. It won't be handed to us on a silver platter, though. Not by the world. We have to seek it out and then we need to SHARE IT! The truth isn't always popular, but it IS always necessary, and it always wins in the end.

Seek the truth. Speak the truth. You won't be sorry.


"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6