Friday, April 11, 2014

Vaccines - The Stereo-type

It's been months and months since I wrote my first blog post about vaccines. I gave a rather brief preview into, what I had wanted to be, a several part series. However, every time I have sat down at the computer to write, I seem to get hit with a serious case of writer's block. Its a topic that could literally go 100 different directions. Its so controversial, and there is SOO much information and misinformation (on both sides) that it is REALLY difficult to have a conversation based on facts. There are many who claim to have “facts”, but when you discover the level of corruption surrounding vaccines and the Pharmaceutical industry, it becomes very difficult to know who you can trust to tell the truth. That being said, it is difficult to present a verifiable argument without CONCRETE evidence. The “facts” that the anti-vaccine groups publish are called lies, exaggerations, twisted truth, manipulation, conspiracies, and fear tactics by the “pro-vacciners” (pardon my made up word), and vice-verse. There is a lot of name calling and finger pointing on both sides, which accomplishes nothing. MY goal is to simply present the evidence and reasoning behind why I became an “anti-vaccine” parent, and maybe bring some things to light that you haven't thought of before. If you would like to read my previous posts on vaccines, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will find them.

The phrase “Anti-vaccine” sounds very extreme to many (though now more than ever I think more and more people are starting to really consider their vaccination decisions). I think when people hear that, they automatically assume that the person making that claim is out of touch, misinformed, on the “holistic bandwagon” , a conspiracy theorist, and probably a little crazy. For some reason we like to lump people into groups and make assumptions based on only a small portion of what we know about them. Now, I've always said, stereotypes are there for a reason. There is always a morsel of truth to them, but we just have to be careful how much we assume without getting the whole story.

As for me, I'm sure I could be placed in some of those categories. I AM trying to live a more holistic life, I'm not above conspiracies, and I'm sure I'm a bit crazy (what mom of small children isn't??). I also suppose I could be misinformed. I'm not so arrogant as to think that I can't “get it wrong”. And I would not consider myself to be out of touch either, but who knows, maybe I'm so out of touch that I don't even know I am! Lol ;) I don't think I fall in either of those categories though. I have studied this earnestly and with my best judgment considered all the options. I ALWAYS reserve the right to change my mind if I find new, convincing evidence that contradicts my former conclusions, and I am not too prideful to admit that I was wrong if I truly know that I was (ask my husband :) ).

When it comes to vaccines, I believe that, with the information I have RIGHT NOW, I am making the best possible choice for my family. I also think that once you start digging, if you can truly remain objective, you will see that choosing not to vaccinate is not nearly as radical as it is made to seem.

I caution you not to lump people into groups. Things are not always what they appear. There are always extremes. There are those who are blindly following the crowd on BOTH sides of this issue, but I can tell you from experience that making the choice not to vaccinate was one of the most difficult, intimidating, thought over and prayed over decisions Matt and I have ever made as parents. It is NOT something we took lightly, or did rashly out of fear. Our children's health and well-being is worth WAY too much for us to take such a decision lightly. So please don't assume that everyone who chooses not to vaccinate is “ignorant” or acting out of misplaced fear. In most cases, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about. I posted an article on Facebook awhile back about the potential dangers of ingesting essential oils (not gonna get into that debate right now.... :) ) As I said before, I am trying to live a more holistic, healthy, lifestyle, so I have been learning about and using essential oils for awhile now. I really enjoy the oils, and have had great success using them for certain things topically. However, I still have many questions and doubts about taking them internally, which some major essential oils companies claim is safe. When I posted this, I had a friend, who uses and loves the oils (but disagrees with me on my stance on vaccines) say that she was surprised that I felt the way I did about ingesting the oils. Her reasoning was that because I was someone who didn't vaccinate, she assumed I would be completely on board the Essential Oils bandwagon. Basically, what she was saying is that she assumed I make decisions based on the group she lumped me in with. But I DON'T make decisions that way. Sure, I take into consideration the thoughts and opinions of those that I admire and who hold the same values as I do, but that doesn't mean that I don't do my own research or that I can't disagree. I don't assume that ANYONE knows everything. And just because they're smart, or wise, or a leader, doesn't mean they can't be wrong. I don't jump on ANY bandwagons, because “bandwagons” can quickly get off course and out of control when people begin to blindly follow a cause, even a good one.

I guess the point of this post is to encourage you in two ways.
  1. Don't be a blind follower, no matter what cause it is that you believe in.
  2. Be very careful with the assumptions you make about others and what they believe.

    There is so much we can learn if we truly listen and have open dialogue with each other. This shouldn't be a battle of our pride, who's right and who's wrong, but a genuine conversation out of concern for our youngest generation and how the choices we make for them today could radically be affecting their future. 

    Don't forget. Seek the truth and Speak the truth. You won't be sorry. 


    "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
    2 Timothy 1:7